Forum - Generator - image to alpha generator (2024)

image to alpha generator





10years, 10months ago by EverBloom

I have designed a pattern in an outside program and saved it as a jpeg but when I put it into the generator it only comes out clear with tons of strings (50+). What size does the image need to be so that it will be clear and not have so many strings.

Bracelet King

10years, 10months ago by ponygal

Make sure the colors r dark or they won't show up


10years, 10months ago by EverBloom

The problem is that the picture doesn't look right not really the colors. Thank you though.

Bracelet King

10years, 10months ago by Adik

@EverBloom Try using either a smaller or a larger number of Max. strings that sometimes helps 🙂 But it usually happens when the .gif or .jpg files are somehow damaged.
Let me know whether it helped 🙂 Because it might be a bug on our side. 🙂

Bracelet King

10years, 10months ago by Adik

Or does it show all the colors? It might be that the jpeg was too many pixels wide, its best to use small images, Like 50x50 pixels if you want smaller alphas.


10years, 10months ago by EverBloom

It shows all the colors. Just when I use less than 200 it doesn't look like the image.

Bracelet King

10years, 10months ago by Adik

Thats because the image you're using is too big with too much details in. Images i use are usually tiny 🙂


10years, 10months ago by EverBloom

Oh okay thanks. I'll try using a smaller image. Thanks for your help.


10years, 5months ago by Ealtz27

How to you use the generator


10years ago by Admin

The generator is not made for that purpose, it's here to help you transform images into patterns, but everytime there's a lot of work to do after using it.


10years ago by Jett

if its already in pixel-art-form, count the dimensions of the pattern then when you upload it, put those dimensions in the width and height things. i find that it usually requires making the larger dimension one more than it is supposed to be. i have a motherload of pixel art ive made that are perfect for friendship bracelets and this is how ive been doing it.


2years, 9months ago by hyeheyeyey



1year, 5months ago by hakssdyy

A 😘


1year, 1month ago by Lynhongito



1year, 1month ago by just_for_u

Hi, so I know I'm late in this thread 🙂 but here's what I do:
•I set the dimensions to have at least one side 200 and the other somewhere between 100-200.
• I set the colors to three times the amount of colors I think it needs. (There are a lot of shadows or blurry pixels that get perceived as different colors) So I get a great, clear, vibrant picture.
• Then, I crop the sides by removing rows until I'm at my ideal (or decent) size.
•Then, I head to the 'Alpha' tab and change all the extra colors that are just a shade off from the rest, to a random bright color that is totally not in my design, like purple or red.
• It is then super easy to go over those spots with my one shade that I'm using, eliminating all the extra colors.
Hope this is helpful!

Super Moderator

1year, 1month ago by halokiwi

@just_for_u this is really good advice 🙂

I think the only thing I would do different is to not use 200 as one of your standard length, because it will always create very large patterns.
If you want to create patterns for wallhangings, that is totally fine, but if you want to make a bracelet pattern, consider making it not longer than somewhere around 80 rows and not wider than 30 base strings.
In other words: which size you pick should depend on what you want the pattern to be used for.

Here are also two tutorials on using alpha from image:



1year ago by ceres01



8months ago by Nellie_230

I've been trying to turn an image into an alpha pattern but I've been finding it difficult

Super Moderator

8months ago by halokiwi

@Nellie_230 it's completely normal that it is difficult when you just started designing your own patterns 🙂
Is there something specific that you struggle with?

I can recommend these tutorials



8months ago by dauber

How does alpha to image work. I tried and don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing.



Forum - Generator - image to alpha generator (2024)
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