12: Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle (Experiment) (2024)

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    • To observe the effect of an applied stress on chemical systems at equilibrium.

    A reversible reaction is a reaction in which both the conversion of reactants to products (forward reaction) and the re-conversion of products to reactants (backward reaction) occur simultaneously:

    Forward reaction:

    \[\ce{A + B-> C + D}\]

    \[\text{Reactants} \ce{->} \text{Products}\]

    Backward reaction:

    \[\ce{C + D -> A + B}\]

    \[\text{Products} \ce{->} \text{Reactants}\]

    Reversible reaction:

    \[\ce{A + B <=> C + D}\]

    Consider the case of a reversible reaction in which a concentrated mixture of only \(A\) and \(B\) is supplied. Initially the forward reaction rate (\(\ce{A + B -> C + D}\)) is fast since the reactant concentration is high. However as the reaction proceeds, the concentrations of \(A\) and \(B\) will decrease. Thus over time the forward reaction slows down. On the other hand, as the reaction proceeds, the concentrations of \(C\) and \(D\) are increasing. Thus although initially slow, the backward reaction rate (\(\ce{C + D -> A + B}\)) will speed up over time. Eventually a point will be reached where the rate of the forward reaction will be equal to the rate of the backward reaction. When this occurs, a state of chemical equilibrium is said to exist. Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic state. At equilibrium both the forward and backward reactions are still occurring, but the concentrations of \(A\), \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\) remain constant.

    A reversible reaction at equilibrium can be disturbed if a stress is applied to it. Examples of stresses include increasing or decreasing chemical concentrations, or temperature changes. If such a stress is applied, the reversible reaction will undergo a shift in order to re-establish its equilibrium. This is known as Le Chatelier’s Principle.

    Consider a hypothetical reversible reaction already at equilibrium: \(\ce{A + B <=> C + D}\). If, for example, the concentration of \(A\) is increased, the system would no longer be at equilibrium. The rate of the forward reaction (\(\ce{A + B -> C + D}\)) would briefly increase in order to reduce the amount of \(A\) present and would cause the system to undergo a net shift to the right. Eventually the forward reaction would slow down and the forward and backward reaction rates become equal again as the system returns to a state of equilibrium. Using similar logic, the following changes in concentration are expected to cause the following shifts:

    • Increasing the concentration of \(A\) or \(B\) causes a shift to the right.
    • Increasing the concentration of \(C\) or \(D\) causes a shift to the left.
    • Decreasing the concentration of \(A\) or \(B\) causes a shift to the left.
    • Decreasing the concentration of \(C\) or \(D\) causes a shift to the right.

    In other words, if a chemical is added to a reversible reaction at equilibrium, a shift away from the added chemical occurs. When a chemical is removed from a reversible reaction at equilibrium, a shift towards the removed chemical occurs.

    A change in temperature will also cause a reversible reaction at equilibrium to undergo a shift. The direction of the shift largely depends on whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. In exothermic reactions, heat energy is released and can thus be considered a product. In endothermic reactions, heat energy is absorbed and thus can be considered a reactant.


    \[\ce{A + B <=> C + D +} \text{ heat}\]


    \[\ce{A + B +} \text{ heat} \ce{<=> C + D}\]

    As a general rule, if the temperature is increased, a shift away from the side of the equation with “heat” occurs. If the temperature is decreased, a shift towards the side of the equation with “heat” occurs.

    In this lab, the effect of applying stresses to a variety of chemical systems at equilibrium will be explored. The equilibrium systems to be studied are given below:

    1. Saturated Sodium Chloride Solution

    \[\ce{NaCl (s) -> Na^{+1} (aq) + Cl^{-1} (aq)}\]

    1. Acidified Chromate Solution

    \[\underbrace{\ce{2 CrO4^{2-}(aq) }}_{\text{Yellow}} + \ce{2 H^{+1} (aq) <=> } \underbrace{\ce{Cr2O7^{-2}(aq) }}_{\text{Orange}} + \ce{H2O (l) }\]

    1. Aqueous Ammonia Solution (with phenolphthalein)

    \[\underbrace{\ce{NH3 (aq) }}_{\text{Clear}} + \ce{H2O (l) <=> } \ce{NH4^{+1} (aq) } + \underbrace{\ce{OH^{-1} (aq) }}_{\text{Pink}} \]

    1. Cobalt(II) Chloride Solution

    \[\underbrace{\ce{Co(H2O)6^{+2}(aq) }}_{\text{Pink}} + \ce{4Cl^{-} (aq) <=> } \underbrace{\ce{CoCl4^{2-}(aq) }}_{\text{Blue}} + \ce{6 H2O (l) }\]

    1. Iron(III) Thiocyanate Solution

    \[\underbrace{\ce{Fe^{+3}(aq) }}_{\text{Pale Yellow}} +\underbrace{\ce{SCN^{-1}(aq) }}_{\text{Colorless}} \ce{<=> } \underbrace{\ce{Fe(SCN)^{+2}(aq) }}_{\text{Deep Red}}\]

    By observing the changes that occur (color changes, precipitate formation, etc.) the direction of a particular shift may be determined. Such shifts may then be explained by carefully examining the effect of the applied stress as dictated by Le Chatelier’s Principle.


    Materials and Equipment

    Equipment: 10 small test tubes, test tube rack, test tube holder, Bunsen burner, 2 medium-sized beakers (for stock solutions), 10-mL graduated cylinder, wash bottle, stirring rod, and scoopula.

    Chemicals: solid \(\ce{NH4Cl}\) (s), saturated \(\ce{NaCl}\) (aq), concentrated 12 M \(\ce{HCl}\) (aq), 0.1 M \(\ce{FeCl3}\) (aq), 0.1 M \(\ce{KSCN}\) (aq), 0.1 M \(\ce{AgNO3}\) (aq), 0.1 M \(\ce{CoCl2}\) (aq), concentrated 15 M \(\ce{NH3}\) (aq), phenolphthalein, 0.1 M \(\ce{K2CrO4}\) (aq), 6 M \(\ce{HNO3}\) (aq), and 10% \(\ce{NaOH}\) (aq).


    All of the acids and bases used in this experiment (\(\ce{NH3}\), \(\ce{HCl}\), \(\ce{HNO3}\) and \(\ce{NaOH}\)) can cause chemical burns. In particular, concentrated 12 M \(\ce{HCl}\) is extremely dangerous! If any of these chemicals spill on you, immediately rinse the affected area under running water and notify your instructor. Also note that direct contact with silver nitrate (\(\ce{AgNO3}\)) will cause dark discolorations to appear on your skin. These spots will eventually fade after repeated rinses in water. Finally, in Part 4 you will be heating a solution in a test tube directly in a Bunsen burner flame. If the solution is overheated it will splatter out of the tube, so be careful not to point the tube towards anyone while heating.

    Experimental Procedure

    Record all observations on your report form. These should include, but not be limited to, color changes and precipitates. Note that solution volumes are approximate for all reactions below. Dispose of all chemical waste in the plastic container in the hood.

    Part 1: Saturated Sodium Chloride Solution

    1. Place 3-mL of saturated \(\ce{NaCl}\) (aq) into a small test tube.
    2. Carefully add concentrated 12 M \(\ce{HCl}\) (aq) drop-wise to the solution in the test tube until a distinct change occurs. Record your observations.

    Part 2: Acidified Chromate Solution

    1. Place 3-mL of 0.1 M \(\ce{K2CrO4}\) (aq) into a small test tube.
    2. Add an equal amount of 6 M \(\ce{HNO3}\) (aq) to this solution. Record your observations.
    3. Now add 10% \(\ce{NaOH}\) (aq) drop-wise until the original color is returned. Record your observations.
    4. Here the added sodium hydroxide is effectively removing acidic hydrogen ions from the equilibrium system via a neutralization reaction:

    \[\ce{H^{+1} (aq) + OH^{-1} (aq) -> H2O (l)}\]

    Part 3: Aqueous Ammonia Solution

    Instructor Prep: At the beginning of lab prepare a stock solution of aqueous ammonia. Add 4 drops of concentrated 15 M \(\ce{NH3}\) (aq) and 3 drops of phenolphthalein to a 150-mL (medium) beaker, top it up with 100-mL of distilled water, and mix with a stirring rod. Label the beaker and place it on the front desk. The entire class will then use this stock solution in Part 3.

    1. Place 3-mL of the prepared stock solution into a small test tube.
    2. Add a medium scoop of \(\ce{NH4Cl}\) powder to the solution in this test tube. Record your observations.

    Part 4: Cobalt(II) Chloride Solution

    1. Place 3-mL of 0.1 M \(\ce{CoCl2}\) (aq) into 3 small test tubes. Label these test tubes 1-3.
    2. The solution in test tube #1 remains untouched. It is a control for comparison with other tubes.
    3. To the solution in test tube #2, carefully add concentrated 12 M \(\ce{HCl}\) (aq) drop-wise until a distinct color change occurs. Record your observations.
    4. To the solution in test tube #3, first add a medium scoop of solid \(\ce{NH4Cl}\). Then heat this solution directly in your Bunsen burner flame (moderate temperature). Firmly hold test tube #3 with your test tube holder, and waft it back and forth through the flame (to prevent overheating and “bumping”) for about 30 seconds, or, until a distinct change occurs. Record your observations. Then cool the solution in test tube #3 back to room temperature by holding it under running tap water, and again record your observations.

    Part 5: Iron(III) Thiocyanate Solution

    Instructor Prep: At the beginning of lab prepare a stock solution of iron(III) thiocyanate. Add 1-mL of 0.1 M \(\ce{FeCl3}\) (aq) and 1-mL of 0.1 M \(\ce{KSCN}\) (aq) to a 150-mL (medium) beaker, top it up with 100-mL of distilled water, and mix with a stirring rod. Label the beaker and place it on the front desk. The entire class will then use this stock solution in Part 5.

    1. Place 3-mL of the prepared stock solution into 4 small test tubes. Label these test tubes 1-4.
    2. The solution in test tube #1 remains untouched. It is a control for comparison with other tubes.
    3. To the solution in test tube #2, add 1-mL of 0.1 M \(\ce{FeCl3}\) (aq). Record your observations.
    4. To the solution in test tube #3, add 1-mL of 0.1 M \(\ce{KSCN}\) (aq). Record your observations.
    5. To the solution in test tube #4, add 0.1 M \(\ce{AgNO3}\) (aq) drop-wise until all the color disappears. A light precipitate may also appear. Record your observations. Here the added silver nitrate is effectively removing thiocyanate ions from the equilibrium system via a precipitation reaction:

    \[\ce{Ag^{+1} (aq) + SCN^{-1} (aq) -> AgSCN (s)}\].

    Pre-laboratory Assignment: Chemical Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s Principle

    1. Consider the reversible reaction:

    \[\ce{A + B <=> C + D}\]

    • What happens to the forward and reverse reaction rates when equilibrium is achieved?
    • What happens to the reactant (\(A\) and \(B\)) and product (\(C\) and \(D\)) concentrations when equilibrium is achieved?
    1. Le Chatelier's Principle states that if a stress is applied to a reversible reaction at equilibrium, the reaction will undergo a shift in order to re-establish its equilibrium. Consider the following exothermic reversible reaction at equilibrium:

    \[\ce{2A <=> B + C}\]

    In which direction (left or right) would the following stresses cause the system to shift?

    • decrease the concentration of A
    • increase the concentration of B
    • lower the temperature
    1. In this lab you will explore the effect of Le Chatelier's Principle on several chemical systems at equilibrium. These are supplied in the Theory Section. Consider the third system you will study: the Aqueous Ammonia Solution.
    • Write the balanced equation for this reversible reaction.
    • Suppose you added some excess ammonium ions to this system at equilibrium.
      • In which direction would a shift occur?
      • What color change might you expect to observe?
    1. List all the equipment you will use in this lab.

    Lab Report: Chemical Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s Principle

    Part 1 - Saturated Sodium Chloride Solution

    Equilibrium System:

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{HCl}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    Part 2 - Acidified Chromate Solution

    Equilibrium System:

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{HNO3}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{NaOH}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    Part 3 - Aqueous Ammonia Solution

    Equilibrium System:

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{NH4Cl}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    Part 4 - Cobalt(II) Chloride Solution

    Equilibrium System:

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{HCl}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    Observations upon heating:

    In which direction did heating cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Based on these results, is this reaction (as written) exothermic or endothermic: Explain:

    Part 5 - Iron(III) Thiocyanate Solution

    Equilibrium System:

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{FeCl3}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{KSCN}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    Observations upon addition of \(\ce{AgNO3}\):

    In which direction did this stress cause the equilibrium system to shift? Left or Right

    Which ion caused the shift? Explain.

    12: Equilibrium and Le Chatelier's Principle (Experiment) (2024)


    What is the answer to the equilibrium and Le Chatelier's principle? ›

    Le Chatelier's principle can be stated as follows: A change in one of the variables that describe a system at equilibrium produces a shift in the position of the equilibrium that counteracts the effect of this change.

    What is the equilibrium and Le Chatelier's principle quizlet? ›

    This is LeChâtelier's principle, proposed by Henri Louis LeChâtelier in 1888. If an external stress (change in concentration, temperature, etc.) is applied to a system in a state of dynamic equilibrium, the equilibrium shifts in the direction that minimizes the effect of that stress.

    What is the Le Chatelier principle experiment? ›

    Traditional Le Châtelier's Principle experiments

    The qualitative observations of the color changes allow students to predict and interpret various shifts in equilibrium systems as the rates of the forward and reverse reactions change until equilibrium is reestablished.

    Which of the answer choices correctly describes Le Chatelier's principle? ›

    Final answer: The correct description of Le Châtelier's principle is that a system at chemical equilibrium will adjust to changes by shifting in a direction to regain equilibrium.

    What is the key of equilibrium and Le Chatelier's principle? ›

    Le Chatelier's principle implies that a pressure increase shifts an equilibrium to the side of the reaction with the fewer number of moles of gas, while a pressure decrease shifts an equilibrium to the side of the reaction with the greater number of moles of gas.

    How do you answer equilibrium? ›

    Write the equilibrium constant expression for the reaction. Substitute the known K value and the final concentrations to solve for x. Calculate the final concentration of each substance in the reaction mixture. Check your answers by substituting these values into the equilibrium constant expression to obtain K.

    What is the Le Chatelier's principle and apply it to the following equilibrium? ›

    If the pressure is increased, then as per Le Chatelier's, the equilibrium is shifted in the direction in which the pressure decreases and hence, the number of moles also decreases, i.e. in the forward direction. Therefore, increase in pressure favours the formation of $S{{O}_{3}}$.

    Which way will the equilibrium shift Le Chatelier's principle? ›

    If the concentration of a substance is increased, the reaction that consumes that substance is favored, and the equilibrium shifts away from that substance. If the concentration of a substance is decreased, the reaction that produces that substance is favored, and the equilibrium shifts toward that substance.

    What is the Le Chatelier's principle of reaction rates and equilibrium? ›

    Le Chatelier's principle predicts that equilibrium will shift to decrease the concentration of reactants. Increasing the rate of the forward reaction will mean a decrease in reactants. So some of the sulfur dioxide or oxygen is used to produce sulfur trioxide.

    What is the conclusion of the Le Chatelier experiment? ›

    Any system at equilibrium will remain at equilibrium unless the conditions of the system change. Le Châtelier's principle states that a system at equilibrium will respond to a stress on the system in such a way so as to relieve the stress and establish a new equilibrium.

    What is the Le Chatelier's principle for dummies? ›

    Equilibrium is explained in chemistry by Le Chatelier's Principle, which states that any change in a substance on one side of the equation in concentration, temperature, or pressure results in an equilibrium shift to oppose the change until a new equilibrium is reached.

    How to observe equilibrium? ›

    Equilibrium reactions

    A system has reached dynamic equilibrium when the rate of the forward and reverse reactions are the same. At this point we will observe no signs of a chemical reaction including no colour change, odour or new substances formed.

    What is equilibrium and Le Chatelier's principle quizlet? ›

    State Le Chatelier's Principle. If a stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the equilibrium shifts to relieve that stress. How is equilibrium defined? When the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction.

    What is an example of Le Chatelier? ›

    The classic example of the practical use of the Le Chatelier principle is the Haber-Bosch process for the synthesis of ammonia, in which a balance between low temperature and high pressure must be found.

    Which change will cause the equilibrium to shift to the right? ›

    Raising the temperature of the system is akin to increasing the amount of a reactant, and so the equilibrium will shift to the right. Lowering the system temperature will likewise cause the equilibrium to shift left.

    What is the theory of equilibrium and Le Chatelier's principle? ›

    General statements of Le Chatelier's principle

    It states that changes in the temperature, pressure, volume, or concentration of a system will result in predictable and opposing changes in the system in order to achieve a new equilibrium state.

    How does a system respond to a chemical equilibrium according to Le Chatelier's principle? ›

    According to Le Châtelier's principle, a system at equilibrium will respond to a stress by shifting in the direction that relieves the stress. Chemical reactions can be displaced from their equilibrium positions not only by adding or removing reactants or products but also by changing the volume or temperature.

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    Name: Laurine Ryan

    Birthday: 1994-12-23

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    Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

    Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.